"Retro Girl" - Watercolours sometimes take a looooong time to
do, and it's hard to correct mistakes. But you learn and have fun at the same time.
It's crazy, as soon as I created this space, I wanted to make another one. For me it's all about the process. The end result is important I guess, but I really like to create. So, sticking to this will be a whole other exercise. I have more fun looking at what other people are doing. Blogs are like snowflakes. They are as varied and diverse as the people who created them. And some of them are well-established, they have substance, you really feel like you have arrived somewhere, landed someplace tangible. This takes time, it doesn't happen overnight. Generally a lot of good stuff doesn't happen instantly.
So for today, my lesson is not only to stick with this blog, but to spend more time on the things that I enjoy doing, and do them well. And to pay attention to the opportunities that emerge from the process.
This is lovely Karen. You are right, sticking with it, in blogging, painting, writing, and anything that requires you to give something of yourself, is challenging. You are off to a wonderful start. I am looking forward to more.