Helga at the beach |
Circle hands, circle hips - bellydancing is all about sensuous circles and serpentine movements. The dance is beautiful and fluid. Circles are at the heart of life, symbols of the infinite cycle of birth, life and death - we all know this stuff. Like mice, we run our lives in circles - we don't always stick to the baseboards, but we have our routines which lead us in circles, which lead us home. Circles of friends and family surround us with affection and inspiration (mostly? sometimes?). The cycle of the year - seasons, the days, weeks and months. Everything is generally a round ticket, (until we don't come back). What if for a week, we resisted the circle? What would happen to your brain? Would it loosen things up, increase creativity, or would you just go crazy? And I am not sure how to do this? Linear thought - goes from A to B to C and where does it go from there - does it come back to A? Intersecting lines, parallel lines all stretching into infinity, but wait isn't the symbol for infinity a figure 8 on its side? Are we all stuck in a giant bubble?
Infinity is what it feels like sometimes. We just go on doing the same things over and over and end up back where we started. Maybe we have a different vision of the world from the experience, usually we just get squashed. In my experience anyway.