Sunday, October 17, 2010

ignoring squirrels

* "Annie in the grass" 3' x 4'

My dog will often start barking the moment she steps out of the door. And if the barking continues she has to come in. Yet there are times she is quiet for ages - at one with nature, live and let live, as the squirrels go strolling by. She just doesn't seem to make the connection. In nine years she always looks surprised when I call her back into the house for barking. Is this stupid or stubborn? Anyway, she's a dog. And I on the other hand do stupid things too. I am not about to post a litany of stuff here, just to say the stupidest things I have done throughout my life are when I have not listened to my "gut". And there may be a whole bunch of sane rationale and distractions at the time, but if deep down it makes me squirm, even a little, then it's stupid. Now actually knowing this and paying attention ALL the time is tricky; life seems to be a never-ending conveyor belt of choices.

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